Brand New Record in the works! WHAT LOVE, a new set of hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs - full story HERE!

Pandemic Booking

The pandemic has been a challenge for all of us. I’ve been able to do things remotely, from Zoom songwriting lessons to trumpet tracking to performance - contact me to book!

Live Video: “God Will Heal Our Wounds” (Common Hymnal featuring Aaron Strumpel and Jenny Wahlstrom)

Live Video: “He Has Time” (Common Hymnal featuring Jamie MacDonald)

Lyric Video: “Just As I Am (All of Me)”

Live Video: “Beautiful Savior (Three in One)”

Lyric Video: “Beautiful Savior (Three in One)”

Live Video: “Be Thou My Vision”

Lyric Video: “Be Thou My Vision Lyric”

Wartburg College feature in the latest issue of their magazine!

Live Video - "Mightier" from BRIGHT STAR

"Coming After You" premiered by Relevant Magazine